Table of Contents
[介紹MQL4]Introduction to MQL4
[MQL基礎]Basics of MQL4
- [一些基礎觀念]Some Basic Concepts
- [常數與變數]Constants and Variables
- [資料種類]Data Types
- [運算與表式法]Operations and Expressions
- [運算子]Operators
- [函數]Functions
- [程式種類]Program Types
[Meta 編輯器]MetaEditor
- [檔案系統]File System
- [創早與使用程式]Creating and Using Programs
[MQL4程式]Program in MQL4
- [程式結構]Program Structure
- [特殊函數]Special Functions
- [程式執行]Program Execution
- [一些執行的例子]Examples of Implementation
- [用來定義的運算子]Assignment Operator
- [狀況運算子if-else]Conditional Operator 'if-else'
- [迴圈運算子While]Cycle Operator 'while'
- [迴圈運算子for]Cycle Operator 'for'
- [停止break]Operator 'break'
- [繼續continue]Operator 'continue'
- [轉換switch]Operator 'switch'
- [呼叫函數]Function Call
- [函數敘述與return運算子]Function Description and Operator 'return'
- [事先定義的變數與更新率函數]Predefined Variables and RefreshRates Function
- [變數種類]Types of Variables
- [全域變數]GlobalVariables
- [陣列]Arrays
[MQL4實用程式編寫]Practical Programming in MQL4
[交易動做的程式設計]Programming of Trade Operations
- [一般的交易方式]Common Way of Making Trades
- [訂單特點與交易規則]Order Characteristics and Rules for Making Trades
- [開啟訂單與下訂單]Opening and Placing Orders
- [關閉與刪除訂單 訂單選擇函數]Closing and Deleting Orders. Function OrderSelect
- [改訂單]Modification of Orders
[MQL4的簡單程式]Simple Programs in MQL4
- [技術指標的使用]Usage of Technical Indicators
- [簡易專家顧問]Simple Expert Advisor
- [創造自己的指標]Creation of Custom Indicators
- [自創指標ROC 價格變動率]Custom Indicator ROC (Price Rate of Change)
- [程式使用組合]Combined Use of Programs
[標準函數]Standard Functions
- [一般函數]Common Functions
- [圖形函數]Graphical Objects
- [圖表運作]Operations with Charts
- [字串函數]String Functions
- [日期與時間]Date and Time
- [檔案運作]File Operations
- [陣列與時間序]Arrays and Timeseries
- [數學函數]Mathematical Functions
- [全域變數函數]GlobalVariable Functions
- [自製指標]Custom Indicators
- [帳戶資訊]Account Information
- [交易函數]Trade Functions
[創造一個一般程式]Creation of a Normal Program
- [一般程式的結構]Structure of a Normal Program
- [訂單會計]Order Accounting
- [資料函數]Data Function
- [事件追蹤函數]Event Tracking Function
- [成交量定義涵數]Volume Defining Function
- [交易標準定義涵數]Trading Criteria Defining Function
- [交易函數]Trade Functions
- [錯誤處理函數]Error Processing Function
[關於複雜的程式]About Complex Programs
- [詞彙表]Glossary
- [交易種類]Types of Trades
- [產生交易的需求與限制]Requirements and Limitations in Making Trades
- [錯誤程式碼]Error Codes
- [指標線的風格]Styles of Indicator Lines
- [圖型物件的種類與特色]Types and Properties of Graphical Objects
- [聲音檔]Sound Files
- [MessageBox()回傳程式碼]MessageBox() Return Codes
- [MarketInfo()定義]MarketInfo() Identifiers
- [程式列表]List of Programs